Thursday, November 2, 2023


Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Once the Rangers started their playoff run I was not about to jinx it with a post and bandwagon. And it worked! Wow.  

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: Maybe we will start posting again. 

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Cannot help but think of that 2011 WS and that team. So close. At least pitching coach Mike Maddux was on this team and gets his ring. 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

And We're Back! Opening Day!

I'll update as the game goes on.

I would have updated this post during the game with highlights.

There weren't any.

Rangers lose 4-0 to the 'Stros.

Rangers are in last place. Yay.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

It's August. We are 4.5 games back in the Wild Card standings. Is that bad?

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: And we're looking up in the Wild Card standings at division rivals the Seattle Seamen and the Los Angles Angels of Anaheim, California, USA, Earth, Milky Way.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: Hey, we're only 4.5 GB and it's early August. So, you're saying we have a chance.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Say what you will about Yu Darvish (you know who you are) but, he is a class act. He took out a full page ad in the Dallas Morning News thanking the Texas Rangers fans and defending himself against his detractors. I sincerely hope he and the Dodgers win the World Series this year (unless the Rangers somehow get there).

Monday, July 31, 2017

Yu Gone. Your Texas Rangers trade away Yu to the Dodgers for some prospects. Damn.

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Our ace the last 4 years is gone.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: Nothing.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Here's what John Daniels and the Rangers got in return for a 4 time All-Star, starting pitcher:

Willie Calhoun, AAA, 2B/OF, defensively challenged that can hit.
A.J. Alexy, A-ball, pitcher.
Brendon Davis, A-ball, infielder.

I don't know about you, but it sure looks like that the Dodgers got the better end of this deal.  Which makes me think (and this is just me guessing, and based on no sources) that the Rangers wanted to get something now for Yu because they knew they had ZERO chance of re-signing him in the offseason OR they had not desire to try to re-sign him in the offseason. Otherwise, the trade makes no sense because this is a clear sign from the front office that the season is over, at least to the fans (and this fan for sure) and maybe the clubhouse.

Adrian Beltre: Mr. Ranger, Mr. 3000

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Of course the Rangers lost the game.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: It was very cool to watch.  He did it.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Now only if we could have a pitcher do that well, either in a regular season or a postseason run, much less for a career. Look at the side bar to the right here. It's been a long while since the Rangers had a 20 game winner, for example.

In other news, Lucroy was traded.  He seemed like a good guy in the interviews I saw/listened to but, he never panned out into that dominant, everyday catcher that could hit consistently.  Especially when you have Chirinos who (at least per the eyeball test) handles the staff better and just hits HR's about every 3-5 at bats. I wish Lucroy well.

Now let's hold our breath and see if today is Yu's last day as a Ranger.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Yu leaving?!?!?!? Say it ain't so.

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: If they (John Daniels) trade him I gotta believe that's a clear sign to the rest of the clubhouse that the front office is throwing in the towel for this season.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: No upside. You never know what you'll get if you just get prospects.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: I'm tired of people saying he's not an ace. Look out that window. There's not too many pitchers with the stuff he has.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

So...Beltre is pretty good, yes???

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

This just in: Dyson is still pitching for the Rangers, giving up homers and losing ball games.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Well, Dyson still hasn't figured it out.

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Maybe Banny left in Perez too long. But why go to Dyson with the game on the line? Why would Banny expect Dyson to get them out of a jam?

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: Perez and the bats were winning the game through six against Sale (until it all fell apart like a 10 cent suit).

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Lets see if they can avoid the sweep tonight.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

So the season isn't over yet after all.

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: But they're still 7 GB in the division. Beltre and Hamels are still out. And To start the season it seemed that either the bats could not produce runs or the pitching couldn't help but give up too many runs.

Dyson didn't record his 1st strikeout of the season until just the other day and seemingly half the lineup has been hovering around the Mendoza-line.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: THEY ARE ONLY 7 GB! After that roller coaster ride to start the season, I'll take it. Especially considering the above.

And they're only 1 GB in the wildcard race. If it's not too early to be following the division standing then I argue it's not to soon to be checking on the wildcard standings. So there.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Martin Perez goes up against Sale tonight. Sale has been nails for the Sox this year. Let's see what Perez brings to the mound tonight.

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